Saturday, October 17, 2015

Prayer List for Race Day

Today, on my cancerversary, I will be running 13.1 freaking miles.  Lord knows, it will be an emotional day.  Running that long isn't only hard on your body; it can also be hard on your mind.  I plan to keep my mind focused or perhaps distracted, which isn't a bad thing when you are fighting wind, cold, exhaustion and hills by praying for specific people at each mile marker.  I want to make the most of this experience and want to think of as many people as I can who have supported me along the way.

Here's my prayer list (not in order of importance).  Tomorrow morning I will write it on my arm in permanent marker (let's hope it doesn't sweat off!):

Mile 1 - Okay, admittedly, this prayer will be for me and all my fellow runners.  May we all be safe during the race.
Mile 2 - Mason
Mile 3 - My marriage (I am so blessed to be married to an amazing partner!)
Mile 4 - My Gillispie family
Mile 5 - Soldiers, Police Officers, Firemen
Mile 6 - Cancer survivors (shout out to my Surviving Together sisters!)
Mile 7 - My Moss/Snyder family
Mile 8 - My team of doctors, nurses, and their support staff
Mile 9 - Our country
Mile 10 - My amazing friends
Mile 11 - All my supporters who sent notes of encouragement, cooked dinners, sent care packages, and prayed for me and my family.  I know that there were many churches praying and people I've never even met praying.  Thank you.
Mile 12 - All Christians and non-Christians
Mile 13 - Okay, another prayer for me to give me the strength to make it past the finish line


  1. I'll be praying for you today, you go girl !

  2. Thanks, Ruthie! It was an amazing day! Always appreciate your support!
