Sunday, March 15, 2015

Chemo Brain. It's a Real Thing.

I'm pretty sure that while chemo works to kill all the bad cancer cells, it also kills a few brain cells.  I've decided to keep a running list of the stupid shit I've done over the past few months.  And, since I have cancer, it's totally acceptable to blame it on the chemo, but let's be honest, I may very well have done it, chemo or not.

I spent 3 minutes looking for milk.  In the pantry.

I put face moisturizer on my toothbrush. 

I had to look up what year it was.

I forgot how old I was. 

I arrived at church, put my car in park and got Mason out.  Luckily as I was walking into church I had this nagging thought that I forgot to actually turn my car off... Sure enough it was still on when I went back to check.  In my defense I drive a Prius and it is sometimes silent when it runs. 

Sometimes I still put a big blob of shampoo in my hand when I'm in the shower, forgetting I don't have hair.

I made Mase a coffee in his kids cup instead of a chocolate milk.  

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