Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Few Reminders

Today, I had a few reminders...

It's around 70* here in Missouri.  In February.  When earlier this week it was 25* (apparently, Mother Nature had her estrogen taken away too, because she's all over the place).  I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day and get some fresh air by going on a walk.  As I was huffing and puffing after walking all of a mile, I was reminded that 2 months prior to my diagnosis I ran 9.5 miles.  In one day.  Without stopping.  Today, I struggled to make it 2 miles and considered calling Richard to come and get me.  I'm trying to give myself some slack, but I also recognize that giving myself some slack has resulted in me not being able to more than 10 squats, 2 girl push-ups, or walk more than a mile without getting winded.  Oh, it's also contributed to me gaining 17 lbs.  I'd love to say I am exaggerating, but I am not.  I don't have a plan yet on how to attack that issue, all while giving myself some grace, but I'm definitely thinking about it.

The second reminder I had was a little package sitting on my door step once I came home.  It was from a former student a friend of mine who I haven't seen in probably over 5 years.  She has taken time to send me and my family a little care package  each and every time I have a treatment.  I am humbled that in her busy life of being a nurse at Children's Mercy in Kansas City, being a full time mom (who home schools her kids no less) and wife, she still takes time to remember my treatment, pick up a few items she thinks I would enjoy and a few items for Mason, and even Richard, packs them up, and makes a trip to the post office, all so I can know she's thinking about me.  I'm humbled by your steadfast friendship, Debra!  Thank you!

The third reminder, came to me as I cuddled my sick boy.  We've been so lucky to have avoided any major sickness this year, and it's been a really rough year for colds, flu viruses, and the stomach flu.  Mase has a cough, slight fever and lots of sneezing.  No biggie, he's a tough kid, but has been down for the count today.

Counting my blessings today of great friends, beautiful weather, a husband who returned home from a week-long work trip, and snuggles of a sick little boy who continues to cough and sneeze in my face, but takes time to apologize each time it happens.  Blessed!
My sweet, sick little boy.  Hope he feels better soon.  Until then, I'll enjoy the snuggles. 

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