Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 14: Bring it!

I have good days and bad days.  All my days are good.  I do have high anxiety days and low anxiety days.  As the clock ticks on, my anxiety increases.  The call has got to come soon, right?  RIGHT?  As I've said before, I can handle whatever news they have to give me, I'm just ready to hear the news.  Bring it,  BRCA bitches!  (Obviously, this morning was an Eminen morning and not a Rend Collective morning.)

So while I am waiting on my results I am still counting my blessings (because really besides napping or binge eating, is there any better way to spend your time?).  I've shared this blog with a few of my friends and the feedback has been amazing.  Goodness, I am surrounded by the most AMAZING women ever.  Always have been... Like even before I was born (since my Gill and I shared a womb). 

Speaking of Gill, she goes in on Thursday to discuss options.  There are a lot of options, but quite honestly, they all suck none of them are easy decisions.  I know she's nervous.  Just like those few  times she was called into the high school principal's office. Although now she's not being asked about being at a party, she's being asked to make life altering decisions.  I'm nervous for her.  I'm nervous for me.  

Worrying runs in our genes apparently this BRCA gene isn't the only thing we got from my mom's side of the family.  My sweet Grandpa Canote, my mom's dad, was a notorious worrier.  A big heart and a creative mind can make for some serious worriers.  As Jill would say "Are you going Canote?" (as in are you going postal).

So Jill, here's to 'going all Canote' together.  If your lady bits are ticking time bombs, it's time to call in the boobie bomb squad.  

As far as my results... still no news.  I'm purely putting that out there to the BRCA angels ~ sort of like how it usually rains right after you wash your car.  Still holding out hope I will hear something today.  So, let it rain.

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