Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 5 Update

I've been laying around a lot, taking lots of naps and have had people waiting on me hand and foot ~ I could get used to this!

Admittedly, the first 3 days were really tough.  I honestly don't remember a whole lot about them, other than every 2.5-3 hours feeling like I needed a pain pill.  I laid in bed all day, except for the occasional trip to the bathroom or out to the living room to see the fam.  Luckily, today I seem to be turning a corner.  I slept from 9pm-8am straight through!  I woke up this morning and decided I was going to try to stop the hydrocodone and make the move to ibuprofen.  So far so good!  Hydrocodone has some pretty nasty side effects, including drowsiness (to be honest, I like this side effect), itching and causing constipation.  I think I also developed a slight rash from it.

My goal for today:  Poo!  Goodness, it's been a few days and I've been reading all these horror stories online.  I've not really had much of an appetite, so I've mostly be snacking on fruit and granola, so I think that should help.  I've also been popping stool softeners like candy.  The last few days, I've felt gas moving through and noticed my stomach making gurgle sounds, so that's promising, too!  I'm happy to report that it finally happened.  My mother-in-law Val, Richard and Mason through me a nice little poo party when I came out of the bathroom!  It's good to feel so loved!

After going to the bathroom, rummaging around the kitchen and visiting with my family, I took a shower (all by myself I might add).  It was nice.  And it felt almost normal.  When you've been down and out for a few days, normal is such a great feeling!

My incisions:  To look at my incisions, you'd think I just had a few serious paper cuts on my stomach.  Seriously, it's embarrassing amazing that they performed surgery and that's all I have to show for it!  I keep reminding myself that there are internal stitches and that it is still important to take it easy, but I do feel silly for people making such a fuss over me and on the outside I have these little paper cuts.
3 incisions sites: one coming out of the bottom of my belly button and two above my pubic bone.  
I'd love to say that I've got a bad case of 'swelly belly' that a lot of hysterectomy patients talk about, but in all honesty, while it's a little swollen, this isn't too far off from what my stomach would look like normally.  Goodness, hysterectomies have came a long way!  My mom has a 6 inch battle scar from when she had her procedure 30 years ago.

My mother-in-law, Val, has been absolutely amazing though all of this!  She kept Mase during my surgery and then came home with us to help out.  Richard and I have really enjoyed her being here!  Mason has probably enjoyed her the most because she lets him have Bomb Pops for breakfast!  Seriously, it was so great to know while I was just chillin' in bed, my guys were taken care of.  Richard has also been absolutely amazing!  This has been no picnic for him.  He's had to do everything!  I know I've said it before, but I fall in love with him more and more everyday!  And, I know he's not just being nice in hopes of getting some action, because that's not going to happen for a long time!  

Okay, I think it's time for another nappy-poo (pun intended).

1 comment:

  1. Love keeping up with you and your amazing journey. You're one (well actually the 2 of you, well you and Jill, you get my drift) strong ladies! I remember being so scared to poo after giving birth, it consumed me as well. Ohhh poo, you silly, fickle matter!
