Sunday, October 19, 2014

"Mom looks weird here."

I was getting dressed this morning and was determined to change out of pajamas.  I went to put on a pair of jeans that felt just a tad too tight, but I so desperately wanted to wear something other than pajamas that I didn't even care.  Next, I picked out a bright green tank top that I was trying to step into.  Lifting up your arms isn't really an option so all clothes must either be button up, zip up, or step into.  I got the tank top up half way above my legs and it got stuck.  I'm not able to pull very hard to get it over my hips and I don't have the flexibility to wiggle it back down my legs.  Richard was on the phone going over a very important Fantasy Football trade when he noticed my struggle.  He stopped to help rescue me from my tank top, and then Mase ran in our room and jumped onto our bed.  I had on my jeans, and a tank top half-way up my hips and Richard was trying to shimmy it down my legs.  I could see Mason was looking at my chest and drains and I could see on his face that he realized that something was different.  We are a pretty open family, so Mason had seen me naked before and he knew what mommy looked like.  He knew that I looked a lot different now.  Richard helped rescue me and got me a nice zip up jacket that wouldn't attack me.  We both knew that Mase saw something he wasn't sure about, but we weren't sure how to address it.  I had a new friend coming over to visit with me on some things, so Mase and Richard decide to go get a pretzel.  Richard took it upon himself to ask Mason a few questions.  The exchange went a little like this:
Richard: Mason, were you scared today when you came in the room and saw mom's tubes? 
Mason: "A little. (He lifts his shirt and points at his nipples) Mom looks a little weird here.  Not us, but Mom.  Dad, lift your shirt so I can see yours." (Richard proceeds to lift his shirt to show Mason his nipples.)
Richard: "Well son, Mommy is sick right there but she's gonna get better.  Those tubes will be out in a couple days and she will start getting better there." 
Mason: "Dad watch! (as he climbs the bench) I'm exercising!" 
*And the moment was gone...  
I love that Richard took the time to ask Mason how he was feeling.  I love that Mase was receptive to sharing with his Dad.  And, I love that Mase got the answers he needed and then quickly moved onto something new, like how he could do tricks on the bench.