Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's Okay. I Have Cancer.

So, I've done A LOT a few things I'm not proud of...  So this isn't a marathon post, I will limit this list to just the last few months... Otherwise, we could be here awhile.
Truth is, when you have cancer, there are just some things you can get away with:
  • Like eating a whole sleeve of Lemon Oreos.  For breakfast.  Before 8 o'clock in the morning. {Thank you chemo steroids}
  • Nap for 5 hours in one day.  
  • Cry at inappropriate times.
  • Laugh at inappropriate times.
  • Want to tell some one how you really feel when they politely ask you "How are you today?"  My mind says: "Well, my breasts were plotting to kill me, my 'new' boobs feel like whoopee cushions, I've got thrush, mouth sores and I could easily poop myself any minute."  My words say: "I'm good.  Thank you."
  • Retail therapy.  Especially if mom is helping you foot the bill.  {Thanks Mom!}
  • Shit yourself.  I'll spare you the details.  But, let's just say I am so thankful I was home.  And a word to any of you who may face chemo in the future: Never trust a chemo fart.  
  • Totally acceptable to look at boobs on your computer or phone.  Even acceptable for your spouse to look at boobs on their phone or iPad.  For once, it's called research.  
  • Wake your mom up at 2:30 in the morning because you don't want to eat Reese's cereal all by yourself.
  • Gaining weight.  I blame it on the steroids.  But truth is, a lot of it is that at this point I just don't give a flip.  I'm sure (at least I hope) my attitude changes once my treatment is over, but for now, I find comfort in anything carb-y and salty.  
And a few things you shouldn't do if you have cancer:
  • Blame yourself.  During infusion #3, there was a newbie sitting next to me.  She was probably in her mid-60's.  She shared with me that she has lung cancer.  Then, she hung her head and said she had been a smoker for years.  My heart broke, cancer is bad enough without the self-imposed guilt and shame.  NO ONE deserves cancer.  I can assure you, if there was some sort of cancer caused by binge eating carbs, I would have it.  And even then, I still wouldn't deserve it.  Her statement made me realize that I got one of the 'lucky' cancers that come with lots of resources and research funding, financial support, and pretty pink ribbons.  Instead of a big pink ribbon, a lot of cancers come wrapped in a bag of stigma.  Melenoma?  You must have spent too much time in the sun or in the tanning bed.  Liver cancer?  Clearly you drank yourself into that mess.  Lung cancer?  You were dumb and smoked cancer sticks cigarettes, despite all the warnings.  
  • Google anything cancer related.  It will scare the shit out of you... (which isn't as quite out of the realm of possibility as it used to be).  
  • Use it as an excuse to be mean to your spouse.  For the most part, I feel like I've been pretty nice to my husband during these times, admittedly not exactly the kind of nice he is probably wanting, but I plan to talk to my doctor about that, but on occasion I've taken out my frustration on him.  He deserves better.  Cancer is a family disease.  My job is to take care of myself and not poop myself.  His job is everything else, the biggest which is being the sane and stable voice of reason in a crazy season.  I fall in love with him more and more throughout all of this.  
  • Clean.  Life is too short to spend time cleaning.  This has always been a philosophy of mine, now I just finally have a way to justify it.  
Signing off now... Those Oreos aren't going to eat themselves.  


  1. This is fabuloso! You inspire me.

  2. I love you Julie!! (And i agree with all the above!!)

  3. Love your spunk little gal, yes you are a Canote !

  4. Brilliant! I love it when someone has the courage to give me the "real poop"! <3
