Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Well Played

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share my BRCA and cancer story with some very gracious students.  As I rambled presented my information a few things crossed my mind:

1. I miss being in a classroom with students.  Currently, I teach online classes absolutely love the gig, but gosh I miss 'seeing' my students and conversing with them over either the material or just over what is happening in their lives that they are willing to share.

2. I was a bit rusty with my public speaking skills, but it's okay because I have cancer (that's my go to excuse for everything - a part of me is dreading the day I have a full head of hair and actually have to start taking responsibility for what I say and what I do).

3.  This was the first time in years that I needed to dress in something other than yoga pants - I was excited about playing dress-like-a-grown-up for the day.  Then, morning of my presentation I woke up with two massive, fiery red, ingrown hairs on my head.  THE IRONY that the one day I so desperately wanted to look presentable and professional and I wake up with ingrown hairs on my f'ing shiny bald head. Well played, hair gods, well played. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh now that's sad when the only 2 hairs on your head are ingrown hairs !
